dress :: asos
shoes :: topshop.com (a year-ish ago)
scarf, in hair :: thrifted
nails :: darling
lips :: MAC, Vegas Volt
Thank you SO much for your responses to my last post – it was wonderful to read them! I am going to put some posts together based on what you told me; so many wonderful things to think about, and blogs for me to share with you, of course. I will do them over a few posts. I think that will be a pretty fun project!
This is me yesterday. I saw this gingham dress on, I am pretty sure, the very same day I posted on here about liking gingham in summer. Meant to be? It seems ridiculous really, but after I did that post on my vintage summer dresses, I realised most of them aren't actually good for summer, or not our Melbourne summer anyway. It's just too hot here for anything more than the lightest of silk or cotton... well, it's too hot for that, too, really, but what's the alternative?!
So, this gingham dress with the cut out and the two types of gingham is pretty perfect for me. We only have, officially, one month of summer left. I am going to be wearing this dress at least once a week (if the weather keeps up its heat) so I hope you don't get too sick of it! Maybe it can be a bit of a challenge – I have to wear it differently every time? I like the sound of that!
This also shows my new favourite thing – lilac nails – in my latest favourite colour combo, lilac and coral. This nail varnish is, most appropriately, called "50s prom dress" and is by the Australian brand Darling, and you can get it here. I have also forgone my usual red – and my usual other option, bright pink – lipstick and chosen a coral-y colour instead. It's by MAC and is called Vegas Volt. I'd gone too long without any eyeliner and felt the need for some serious black lines and some lilac eyeshadow, and think the coral lips is a good match.

Now this afternoon – Friday – I am going to work on some blog posts, drink some kind of fruit smoothie that is green and therefore obviously incredibly healthy, start building a website, freak out about my lack of time to work on illustrations I've been meaning to do since last July, and then get things in order for a good weekend. What are you up to?

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