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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Info Post
Photos From the Vault
Space: 1970 now has over 250 followers here on Blogger and more than twice that number over on its Facebook page, and I've been wondering lately about you guys. Who are you? How old are you? How in hell did you find this blog?

In fact, I'd be most appreciative if you'd take a moment, post a comment, and tell me those things. I don't need to know your real name (unless you wish to give it), but I would be interested to find out a bit about those of you who stop by here regularly to read my ramblings. What's your favorite Space: 1970-era TV show? Movie? What's your best 70s sci-fi memory? Were you the only Star Kid in your town, or did you have friends to share your interests?

...and do any girls read Space: 1970?


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