Recently I found a fun new site called Booklamp--it helps you find new books by comparing and contrasting the content of books you enjoy, similar to the way helps music lovers find new music. To quote Booklamp:
"We're attempting to help you find books with similar themes and writing style to books you've enjoyed in the past - comparing elements like Description, Pacing, Density, Perspective, and Dialog - while at the same time allowing you to specify details like... more Medieval Weapons."
Booklamp identifies and parses the "story DNA" of various books, then uses that information to help you find similar stories. You can search for books by Story DNA, Book Title, Author, or Genre.
As an experiment I searched for books with DNA similar to Hostage Zero by our own John Gilstrap. Booklamp suggested matches to "similar" books by various authors, including Christopher Reich, Lisa Unger, Anne McCaffrey, Louis L'Amour, and even William Faulkner.
Booklamp claims to be advertiser independent, which means you won't have your results filtered through marketing budgets. This means that mid-listers and newbies will have a fighting chance to turn up in results.
Booklamp is actively seeking publishers to sign on to the project right now--many publishers (and therefore authors) are not represented. But I'm hoping the project will catch fire.
Check it out, and let us know what you think. Is this something you would use, as a reader or writer?
What's your story's DNA?
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