When I went on a bike ride a couple of months ago, I discovered a lovely new little shop. The Manufactory looks pretty much like I how I'd like my house to look: cool old industrial vintage bits and pieces with lots of fresh flowers – and, of course, bird cages. I have two. No one, except Mr Esme, knows about this. This is because they are hidden away in storage. Boo.
In fact we have quite a few nice old things, and I always like to have fresh flowers, but I haven't quite put them all together yet. I think it can be really hard to get things just right, as these things can so easily look contrived, or saccharine, or just too cluttered. Having two rooms (out of four) out of bounds is not helping at the moment.
But progress is being made: we painted the floorboards of our old bedroom two night ago and the colour looks really good. I took pictures and can share them very soon, as promised – along with a million other things! It's nice to have so much stuff to share, but, honestly, I need more hours in the day!
I don't really go to shops very often (except for op shops; I don' t think that counts) and so it is nice, when I do make the trip, to find something interesting. I know there are a lot of great independent shops in Melbourne and I would like to visit them more often. It's nice to get real life inspiration – and I am going to shamelessly steal one particular idea in these photos! You know, sometime in the distant future when I have my rooms back! x

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