This is what I wore on Monday. It was five days into spring and we had beautiful warm, sunny weather! Now the blossoms being out doesn't seem so wrong. It's very cheery, really!
I got this dress a couple of months ago, wore it once and then kind of hid it at the back of my wardrobe. Well not literally – who has wardrobes that have backs? I've never understood that term – but I did stick it at the end of one of my clothes racks. Saying that makes it sound like I have loads of clothes, and I don't – I wish! – I am just using racks (two, from Ikea, both a bit wonky, but that's ok) while we do our floorboards/paint walls/generally make the bedrooms impossible to live in.
But I'm getting off the point. What I am saying (slowly) is that I just, well, went off this dress. Not just this dress, but 1950's full skirted dresses in general. I just got a bit bored with the style. It felt so obvious. I do like 1950's dresses (which is a good thing, as I do have a few of them), but I love – love – 1940's ones too. And the style of the 1930's. And some Victorian and Edwardian things... oh, and some modern things, of course, too. I don't just mean modern vintage repro, either. I love some modern clothing too. I don't think I even need to mention my love for modern shoes.
All this means that my style is not era specific, but really quite varied. Every now and then I wonder if this is such a good thing – is it all too hotchpotch? It would certainly be easier to only like, say, one particular vintage era, or to be a dedicated trend slave. But then again, only wearing things you like is, I think, a great freedom to have. It does mean you need a fair bit of wardrobe room (or more racks from Ikea! Erm, oh, and more money to burn – yeowch!) but it is, for me, much more fun.
So this dress here is pink and pretty cute, and girly, and even has little white pom pom trimming. It has a white collar and cuffs and a full, pleated skirt. Sometimes I can go for months and just not feel cute and girly at all. Pink dress? No way! But after a bit of a break from it I suddenly wanted to wear this dress again – the sunshine and the warmth, and my mood, made it seem right. It is now a bit more in the centre of one of the racks... which I guess is as good a compliment as I can give it when I'm not actually wearing it. Because I think I will wear it a lot this spring.
Here, I am wearing it with a belt form a 1940's dress, and modern shoes, bag and sunglasses.

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