Yesterday I put together a parcel for a lovely lady on the other side of the world.
I am horrendously late at getting this done – but when I went through all my stuff the other day, I knew there were things in there that were perfect for this l'il ole thing making its way to the US of A. (Ugh, that rhymes. I did a rhyme! I didn't mean it.)

Everything in there matches to something else (perfectionist, much? Erm, well, actually not really – I just like matching colours. Easily pleased.) as you can see – all the skirts have a top to match and I am pretty sure these colours are just perfect for their intended.

Babycat is always so very helpful at putting her fluff on everything in the world ever. She checks out my choices (what do you think, Bebe? Yep, I talk to my cat. A lot. But it's ok, I don't really expect answers or anything.)

Babycat thinks it's pretty stupid that I ask her anything. Is that pity in her eyes..? Luckily this is going to someone who loves cats as much as I do!

I want parcels to look nice, but I like to reuse as much packaging as I can. I am reusing tissue paper (and look! Toning purples! Oh, happy day) and new polka dot tape.

Dots on dots!
Oh, and look – a bow! Haha (I'm sorry, I just can't bring myself to use lol. Not here!)

And into the ugly-but-practical-and-at-least-I-am-reusing-it post tough bag. I was so chuffed to tape it all up I forgot to write the card – I'll do that right now. It's a bird card.

Fly birdy, fly!
See you later :)
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