John Barry , the acclaimed film composer who was probably best known for his scores to Born Free, The Ipcress Files , Body Heat, Midnight Co...

John Barry , the acclaimed film composer who was probably best known for his scores to Born Free, The Ipcress Files , Body Heat, Midnight Co...
John Barry , the acclaimed film composer who was probably best known for his scores to Born Free, The Ipcress Files , Body Heat, Midnight Co...
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my two months dissecting the entire Coen Brothers filmography, it’s that even when you know to expect...
Way to miss the mark. I thought that as I read the nonsense Richard Stallman has posted on Huffington Post . He wants you to be very afrai...
Who's your favourite heroine? Have you got one? The first I've ever admired was Jo March from Little Women . I admired her greatly w...
I am a bit overwhelmed with everything at the moment – I will be doing some catching up soon. In the mean time, cats and bubbles might help....
Ed (Billy Bob Thornton) cuts Creighton's (Jon Polito) hair in The Man Who Wasn't There. 3.5 Stars The Man Who Wasn’t There is a de...
Chad (Brad Pitt) finds some secret CIA shit in Burn After Reading. 3.5 Stars There are two types of Coen Brothers films—ones that examine h...
"... maxi dresses are back this summer..." I think I have heard this at the beginning of every summer for at least the past four ...