dress, silk scarf :: vintage
shoes :: betts
And then it was hot again... I am trying so hard to get into the hot weather we are having when we aren't having cold weather – it seems to be about three days on, three days off at the moment – but this year I am finding it really hard to acclimatise. Barely 30C can feel too hot. I guess that's what happens when you don't get a chance to really get used to it. So, to help my efforts along, I have been looking at pictures and listening to the music (very happy, really enjoying it) of Brigitte Bardot. I might even watch a film or two at some point. While I am still researching BB in the name of health and good living, I can report I have come so far with it I can spell Brigitte without getting it wrong. No more superfluous "g's" and unwanted "d's" from me!
When I think of BB (and now, of course, I don't need my new-found Brigitte-spelling knowledge) in summer, I think of gingham dresses. I wasn't always attracted to gingham and felt that it could be a bit of a picnic-blanket-meets-raggy-doll nightmare, but living in a hot country has really turned that around. I now have two gingham dresses, both full skirted, both early 1960's, and both with tiny squares. I think I am now ready to progress to larger squares. It's quite the journey. Watch me go..! I would like to add more gingham dresses to my wardrobe for this summer.
I have found a new spot to take outfit photos. Do you like it? It does mean standing on a box, but honestly, who hasn't stood on a box to take a photo of themselves? No? You should try it! I can personally recommend it.

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