Ok, I am almost a month late, but I don't really mind. I've never been sentimental about dates and see no reason to worry about that now. Like most people, I like making New Year resolutions – and I do usually stick to tradition with this, and do it closer to, well, the change of the year – and, if you follow me on twitter, you'll know I got a few ideas in early. Here they are. At least the fun ones. Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to talk about more important things… perhaps that can be another resolution!
So, here they are, in no particular order...

Wear glittery shoes
Presumably aided, at least subconsciously, by Miu Miu's beautiful glitter booties (I want! I want!) I have decided to wear glittery shoes – or, rather, find more occasions that call for the wearing of them. Yes, I could wear them to the supermarket and to the post office and to the pet supply store to buy kitty litter but really, I want more glamourous occasions for twinkly toes.

Go dancing
A few years ago, a few of us went to swing dance classes for beginners. I could barely get to any of them, because of the long hours I was working at the time, and most of us drifted away after a few weeks for various reasons… except one. This one now dances in a troupe, travels the country, does aerials and generally has a blast a lot of the time. I might not be doing aerials any time soon (or ever) but I am going to overcome any shyness and self consciousness about my basic (oh, so basic) dance skills and go to socials. And dance. And enjoy it. So if you see me at one of these events in Melbourne, ask me to dance! I will smile a lot and almost definitely won't step on your toes.

Make a circle skirt
I often talk about how I'd like to sew, in fact far too often, considering I don't actually go on to make plans to actually do it. But this year I will. I want to make a circle skirt, and hopefully will get one finished in time for this summer. They're supposedly super easy, I have a sewing machine, and I'll make the time. And the skirt.
And that's it… so far. And you? What are your plans for this new year? I think 2012 is going to be a great one!
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