• Check This Out: The Super Saturday Short-Lived Show Showcase blog (which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like) is currently running episode-by-episode reviews of the Richard Benjamin sci-fi comedy series, Quark. Bloggers Anthony Williams and Noel Thingvall are watching the show for the first time and sharing their opinions of each episode on a weekly basis. It's a cool site, and well worth checking out.
I'm really enjoying their reviews and encourage them to take a whack at a few other short-lived Space: 1970 favorites in the future, like The Fantastic Journey, The Phoenix, and Salvage I. Of course, as none of those shows are commercially available on home video, that might prove a little difficult...
• New on DVD: The two big 70's genre DVD releases for October are: 1.) the wide release (after a couple months as a Best Buy exclusive) of the second season of The Six Million Dollar Man, which hit shelves a couple weeks ago, and 2.) the complete Filmation live-action Shazam! Saturday morning series, from Warner Archive, which went on sale this week.
I hope to get my hands on the Shazam! discs shortly, and when I do, I'll definitely be reviewing them here at Space: 1970.
As for The Six Million Dollar Man S2 set, I picked it up at Best Buy a month or so ago. If you haven't bought it yet, here's a handy Amazon Link: The Six Million Dollar Man: Season 2
• Blatant Cross-Promotion: And here's my usual shameless plug: anyone who enjoys my writing and reviews on this blog should check out my DVD Late Show site, where I have been reviewing B-movies, cult films and genre television shows on DVD and Blu-ray disc since 2005. Among the over 700 reviews on the site are plenty of Space: 1970-era favorites, like Battle Beyond The Stars, Damnation Alley, Starcrash, The Starlost, the Space: 1999 Blu-rays, and many more.
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