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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Info Post
by Clare Langley-Hawthorne

As the author of the first TKZ blog post for the new year let me wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous 2012, full of wild crazy dreams and completed manuscripts! 

Although, I usually start off the year with a list of (often futile) new year resolutions, this year I've decided to work on just three key areas (and I confess I've nicked these from my sons' school) - organization, persistence and resilience. So just like 'Oscar Organization', 'Pete Persistence' and Rosie Resilience' I am going to tackle the new writing year full-on with optimism and tenacity (hey, it's only January 2, I can be enthusiastic!)

Given the current state of the world and the in-flux nature of publishing, these also seem like a good triumvirate to take on board. All three are crucial to being a published author (whether indie or traditional) and are the key ingredients to what I like to call 'bum glue' - what all writers need to progress from the dream of a novel to an actual, completed manuscript. As I close in on the finish line for my latest WIP, I know that bum glue, which survived the holiday madness, has been vital.

When it comes to the TKZ, I look back at 2011 and am amazed at the breadth of topics covered - though, inevitably, the question of 'indie versus traditional publishing' dominated many a 'comment debate'. So, as the new year commences, I thought I'd find out what you'd like to see more (and less) of in the future from our blog posts. 

  • Are there any areas you think we haven't adequately covered? (or topics you feel we've done to death?!)
  • Do you have burning questions we haven't addressed? 
  • Would you like us to have more guest bloggers from the industry (editors, agents or publicists for example) or perhaps change the format some weeks (where we give our points of view on one particular topic or question)?
  • Are there any changes/expansions you'd like to see to our existing 'first-page' analysis competition? 
  • And given the impending Mayan apocalypse... any last (writing related) requests for us at TKZ?

This is your chance to weigh in on topics/issues or areas you'd like us to cover this year, so let us know! 

Happy New Year!


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