Breaking News
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Info Post
pink flowers pepperspink yellow flowers holly lodgeHello! The good news is that the malware issue is all sorted now. It seems there was never actually any malware, just the suspicion, but of course it is better to be safe than sorry with this kind of thing. Thank you so much for letting me know there was a problem as I wouldn't have known about it otherwise – it was unlikely I would have seen it from my end.

More news: I have finally taken the annoying word detection off for commenting. I've been getting feedback about it for a while that it was getting really difficult (not to mention irritating, which I totally agree with, it is both!) to use, but more recently it has been stopping commenting completely. So it's gone! I am a bit nervous about what will happen regarding spam but it is important to try and make things better. Especially for commenting from you, which is not only a joy for me, but also a way for you to communicate with other readers. I love that that can happen here, and would like it to take place even more. Again, thank you for your feedback on this. It is a huge help!

societea yum yumsFinally, thank you so much for your patience with my posting lately! All over the place. I can only blame a small part of it on technical difficulties, but things have now changed pace again for me and I have lots of posts to share. Lots of pictures to edit, too. I love doing this so I am VERY excited about it! I have lots of events, adventures and good times coming up. x wombat hill flowers


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