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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Info Post
park back hi Thanks so much for the lovely comments on my last post. It was a beautiful evening and night and it was fun to wear something quite different from my norm – yes, the era might be very familiar but the style, and the formality, is not! I wonder if I'll do it again any time soon? I do have lots more photos from the night and I will absolutely be sharing them very soon.

But first, now, it is Wednesday, early evening, and we have all had some very good news! I will definitely be celebrating later. It's cheered me up after a painfully dull day, which was made even worse by the fact that yesterday was a public holiday. I am SO ready for the weekend again already. Can it come now? No? Well, here is last Sunday, which I spent well. I'd like to do this again very, very soon.

eggs avo salmon cheeriopancakes berries cheerio I want to say we stared with breakfast, but that would be a great big lie. Or a lie in! Ahem. We started with a delicious sleep in, a slow, non-rushed potter about the house to get ready, and then we went for breakfast at Richmond's Cheerio. Or was it blunch? My friend Jarrod coined this word (possibly unintentionally) and I like it much more than brunch. John is usually such a savoury morning man but when he saw pancakes on the specials board all that changed. Of course, it is only polite to share things with your partner, especially when things include delicious, fresh raspberries. I've been eating frozen berries for months and it felt like quite the luxury to enjoy the real thing!

raspberryjohn coffee watchjohn watch hands John got to test ride his new watch, a kind gift from Daniel Wellington. He doesn't usually wear a watch and he is rather pleased with it. I think he has been enjoying doing that wrist-up-swoop to check the time, and he is genuinely thrilled with it. You can have a look at the same one here – and I am excited to be able to offer you a discount code! Use the code marianne for 15% all products in the webshop. Enjoy!

DW watchparkNext up we went for a walk in on of the city's beautiful gardens, as we always drive by them but never actually step in to and enjoy them. It was my turn to test ride something: I took my new parasol-umbrella-in-one for a test spin and can now happily report it's definitely love. I like the rusty-orange (surprise surprise) thin stripes on the cream background, and doubly liked the stripe matching that was going on with my vintage dress.

park brollypark brolly hellotree balancetree ohpark path hipark stripeshair car windowhotn insidegin and bellini It actually was pretty warm, about 30C, I think, and I wanted to go somewhere cool and dark for some afternoon drinks with friends. We chose a great place in Fitzroy and I think that my summer drink of choice this year will be the Belinni. We then shared a cheese plate (cheese slate?) and oysters. And, I ask you, does trying on each others' glasses ever get tired? It does not. After a few more grapefruity drinks it was time to walk back through beautiful Fitzroy and then head home. Oh beautiful day I am going to repeat you soon! ak hnThis is Aaron and Kirsty. I am working on taking more – and better! – candid shots when I'm out. kirsty smile glassesKirsty looks very beautiful in Jarrod's glasses. az hnHi Aaron. jarrod hotnHi Jarrod of blunch-coining fame. john glassesHi John, in Jarrod's popular glasses. cheese plate slateHi Cheese! more crackersoysters hotnHi and bye, oysters! oysters yumme hotn hifitzroy bluestoneiron laceme fitzroy hime muscles fitzroyrosesface fitz


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