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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Info Post
oct12 instagram a Let's have a look at my October in my Instagram. If you like, you can follow me @laneway_esme ! October started beautifully, very good for the second month of spring. I walk past this luscious wisteria most mornings. I'd love to grow some outside my house but apparently it is really high maintenance, so I'll enjoy someone else's hard work for my glowy lilac fix. Speaking of lilac fixes, I had my pale purple berry smoothie fix at home. Favourite sweet at the moment.oct12 instagram b I had one out, too, at Mixed Business, with Iolanthe, for a lovely afternoon catch up. We both turned up wearing colourful tights and orange shoes! I'm in the sage green ones.oct12 instagram c More orange shoe action – these have been an incredibly good shoe investment! I saw this poor little bird on the way to work. I love taxidermied birds, and would love to have a Victorian bell jar of them. I don't know if Babycat could handle that, though. And here are my red shoes from last year, which have also been a great shoe purchase, and I'm sat on my bike in the study. I missed riding it and knew it was time to get back on the road. oct12 instagram d I bought a vintage lilac and blue hat with a veil, and a Lime Crime lipstick in Cosmopop. The lipstick goes well with my lilac hair and a coral veiled vintage hat I wore one cold and rainy Saturday.oct12 instagram e Garden bounty (sadly, not my garden, if only!) and plans to eat lots of chilli, lemon, garlic and corriander flavours, which we did. It was yum. And I've been drinking my morning coffee out of a vintage tea cup. Well, why not? oct12 instagram f I got a vintage dress, a blue floral one with spaghetti straps and a shelf bust, for summer. It made a nice addition to the jungle that was – still is, I've been tidying and sorting this weekend – my room. I also got some glittery platform shoes.oct12 instagram g Argh giant face but I had an odd number of pics so I thought I'd use this one in full, as I was very happy with my lilac curls! oct12 instagram h We went to a fancy dress party in the mountains, and I went as Minnie Mouse. Not because of some cute and adorable penchant of mine, but because I found the Minnie Mouse ears at the $2 shop a few hours before we had to leave! And, erm, the rest of my outfit was stuff I had in my wardrobe already..! I've had that leather jacket for years and John hates it. It makes me laugh every time I wear it, but the other day I suddenly wondered if he had a point.oct12 instagram i Don't be fooled by the pictures over the past few weeks. While we have had some warm, sunny spring days, a lot of which have fallen on the weekend, a lot of our spring has been cold, really winter-like cold, and grey. It has warmed up enough for me to wear my new vintage 1940's peach nightgown. It feels nice to wear nice things around the house, but it's not always easy!oct12 instagram j And I rode my bike to work, at last! Well done me. Boo hiss to the crank, which has a broken thread and kept spitting out my left pedal so I had to lock my bike up after walking it back up a hill, and catch the tram home. Still, when I was actually riding it, it felt really good – and I get to go a slightly different way to work, and see some different things. This makes my morning a bit more interesting, visually.oct12 instagram k A new vintage cotton sundress (it's the climate, it's a requirement!) and me cooking for a dinner party.oct12 instagram l The table set for said dinner party. I love my vintage saucers, and would like to find some more plates to add to my teeny tiny collection.oct12 instagram m A pretty dress from Dahlia, and me wearing that blue sundress from above at Maling Road, from the last post. It is perfect for hot weather and a perfect fit. Oh, and there are those orange Gorman shoes again! See..?! I'll wear them out at this rate!oct12 instagram n While the weather is warm but not hot, I am making hay and wearing my 1940's rayon dresses, which I can't wear once it gets over, say, 28C. This was a nice Sunday when we found a really pretty little laneway in North Fitzroy, full of vines of roses. It was really windy and I was actually a bit cold, as I remember! I'd been looking at pics of Betty Grable and had an urge to do a big front roll. I was distracted from the roll that morning by Babycat eating my spider plant so I had two broken minutes to do a big side roll (or boo, as I call them) (no I don't know why) instead. It survived the wind.oct12 instagram o Last weekend we went to our friends' wedding and I wore a 1950's frothy tulle dress, for the first time in my life. Excuse the serious face; it was very glary outside and I couldn't open my eyes! It was a beautiful night.oct12 instagram p Another dress for me, and this time a golden brown 1940's number. I am always, without fail, a bit upside down at this time of year and get a  hankering for winter clothes. I think I'll be able to sneak a wear of this one in before it gets too warm. I hope so! I don't dress up often enough. I am going to change all that! And finally, some more foodstagram stuff. I love pictures of food – as if you couldn't tell! We had a hot couple of days so I made a salmon and quinoa and bean salad which was nice but could do with a catchier name, and I also had a delicious poached egg breakfast on Maling Road. Good times. And that was October! And now, November... almost Christmas..!!!
oct12 instagram q


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