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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Info Post
Over the past couple of days we've been having some good discussions about paid reviews on Amazon, and the credibility of online reviews. Most people said that Amazon reviews don't affect their purchasing decisions. So I started wondering: Nowadays, how do people hear about the books they purchase? Is it mostly by word of mouth, blogs, reviews? Or some other way?

I thought I'd start an unscientific survey. Tell us the title of the last book you purchased, and describe how you heard about it.  (I know there's got to be a way to insert an actual poll in this post, but I have no idea how to do it. So tell us in the comments!) Has the way you hear about new books changed much over the past five years?

My most recent book purchase was A WORLD ON FIRE: Britain's Crucial Role in the American Civil War, by Amanda Foreman. I heard about it on BOOK TV (It's one of my favorite go-to sources for reviews and author interviews. I often grab my Kindle and buy something immediately after watching a book discussion there).

What was yours?


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