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Friday, September 7, 2012

Info Post
1950s and 1960s vintage sundresses a
I am sitting on the sofa with too many internet tabs open (mainly beautiful vintage things I want on etsy) and am very disappointed that I am here at all, in some ways, as I should be heading out to an MSFW show and then a (non-fashion) party, but I have a cold and am house- and couch-bound. It is also really cold and windy and a bit rainy outside, so I thought I'd make the most of things and look ahead to the warmer weeks that aren't too far away.

For now there are still plenty of great winter things I want to wear and it looks as though I'll have a good number of days to wear them, but I do look forward to wearing some vintage sundress from the 1950's and early 1960's, complete with colouful prints and full skirts. Ok, I know, I am cheating a little here – spot the modern dress (it's the one on the far left, if you're new here) – but my collection of these is a slowly growing one, one I am absolutely working very hard on. It takes time to find them in the right size, in good condition (one of these here actually needs a bit of work before I can wear it, boo), that you really love, and that don't cost a bomb.

Melbourne having such extreme weather means that we get to enjoy a fairly long, cold winter and even longer, very hot summers, so we can't say we don't get to enjoy variety in our wardrobes! It does mean that my wardrobe needs to be a bit larger than what I at least think I would need, based on memory, of course, if I still lived in London; the short and possibly not too warm summers mean I could get away with just a few summery frocks. As it is, I am currently eyeing off a 1940s dress that is very much for cooler days, and have just bought a beautiful vintage cardigan, but I look forward to turning my attention to summery goodies very soon.

Looking at these, I see I have blues and oranges well represented, so I think yellows and pinks and bright greens might have to be coming next! What are you looking forward to wearing in the new season?

1950s and 1960s vintage sundresses b1950s and 1960s vintage sundresses c1950s and 1960s vintage sundresses d1950s and 1960s vintage sundresses e


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