The darkness was a bit of a problem for taking photos, especially as we are heading into winter now and have lots of gloomy days ahead. I swapped everything over and this seems to be working much better! I even moved the dressing table all by myself, thanks to Ugly Carpet underneath. As soon as we get these floorboards finished, Ugly Carpet will be gone. Yes!
And soon I want to post my hair tutorial video, once my thumb is better. I want to post about what happened to my thumb – well, no, not exactly, that would be a bit gross – but I actually want to post about my new rug and a lipgloss, as that is what caused it! You'll see!
But really why I am posting is to say thank you. You are the best readers and I am so happy to have you sharing everything with me! I love to read your comments and they make me so happy – and really cheer me up if I've have a hard day. The past six months have been pretty hard but things are finally improving and in lots of ways are starting to look really good!
I have lots of give aways lined up for you, and I can't wait to get started with them! Give aways have been a bit thin on the ground lately round here and I look forward to being able to really show my appreciation :) x
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