I wore it with my new stockings with the pink criss crosses down the back. I love them so much – and they are even better than I expected; they stay up and everything!
I like the pattern. I wonder if they come in other colours? Cream would be nice, I think.
Sometimes I wonder if my blog posts would be complete without bows. I do hope so – but it won't be this time. We'll see if I can do it next time, yes?
And because you can't take standing about having your photo taken too seriously... and because my dress has a full skirt... woooeeeeeeee! The skirt had actually been chopped a little, but I knew this when I got it and like it at this length, too.
I have been setting my hair again, too– not that you can tell here! Argh! This was a day set I had to squeeze in on Saturday morning and could only leave it pinned for a couple of hours, and the lack of time plus our rainy weather meant some pretty limp hair by Sunday! I wish hot rollers worked for me. Booo. At the moment I am wearing my fringe pinned back; I still like it but a) it really needs a trim (I can't see!) and b) I am not sure how I want to wear curls with it. I want to thin the fringe out a little bit too, which will help. I need to start the curls higher up on my head to wear them wi th the fringe, and because my hair has grown so long its getting harder and harder to do... Experiment time!
I have got me a few great vintage dresses lately and have been really, really happy with them... and this leads to problems! Well, kind of a problem, hehe... I just want to be my own santa and treat myself (coz, you know, I never usually do, ha!) to a few beeeyoootiful vintage dresses and skirts that I have seen online... oh, it's hard not to. They're great. But you know how sometimes it just feels like you've got so many things in one go and more feels kind of wrong? Then again, it's this time of year, you just splurge at pretty much everything. Another mince pie? Why yes, don't mind if I do...
Well, I hope your Christmas and New Years are good, and you enjoy/survive (let's be honest) all that family and in-law time! I know everyone is really busy at this time of year, and I am no exception. I will try to answer your emails as fast as I can. Please be patient though! I hope I don't completely disappear from here, and to see you soon x
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